Tuesday 12 August 2008

Corporate blogs

So far, this is the most promising area of writing I've found. The Teacher Training organisation I blog for keep asking to me to blog on more and more topics, and I now write 2 blogs a week on Modern Languages, Psychology, Current Affairs and Classroom Management.

Skeptical friends have commented, "But you don't know anything about psychology or classroom management!"

TIP: It's amazing what subjects you can blog on if 1) you want to make it as a writer and 2) you're being paid to do it. All the information is out there on the net. All you need to do is read it, understand most of it and then re-package it in your own style.

Until last month, I'd never written a book review. The same Teacher Training site asked me to start reviewing e-books on classroom management. Reviewing the books is fun, I get paid to do it, AND it provides me with lots of material for my Classroom Management blog. Double bubble!

TIP: Lots of business sites now run Corporate Blogs. Approach sites for whom you think you could provide content. They'll probably ask for some free blogs to start with, but if your content and style are good, you'll then be in a position to talk money...

Money's the tricky one! Many blogging so-called 'jobs' promise a share of Adsense revenue. I'm on this deal with a couple of sites I've written for, and so far, the income has been risible. It may improve in time, but right now, I'm inclined to ask for hard cash upfront for my writing.

I wrote a series of guides to France on a revenue-sharing basis. The revenue has been disappointing. They liked my writing and asked me to write for another site, on the same basis. I asked for hard cash instead. They agreed.

TIP: Agree to revenue-share, just to get started. If clients like your writing enough, they'll soon find the money. Because you're worth it.